Key Features

  • KungFu.Life Spring Workshop Series with Shifu Yan Xin - to elevate your Shaolin Foundations & kung fu to the NEXT LEVEL.

  • All training sessions are live streamed via Zoom + There is also an option for following the workshop in your own time via replays.

  • This is an interactive workshop, where you have the option to take part Face-to-Face or as an Attendee Only participant.

  • If you have opted for the Face-to-Face option, Shifu Yan Xin will help you to correct your movements during the live session.

  • If you have opted for Attendee Only option, you can follow the workshop via the live stream in your own private space + You will get the opportunity to ask questions during the live session.

  • If you can't make it to the Live session, you have the option to train on demand with the recordings in your own time, for 12 months after the Live sessions have taken place.

  • This workshop series is suitable for All levels, but to get the most out of this workshop, we recommend that you have already had some trainings in Shaolin Foundation Kicks, Stances and Chain Fist Form (Lian Huan Quan).

Shaolin Chain Fist (Lian Huan Quan) Workshop

First Combat Application Form of Shaolin - Live Interactive Workshop - 11 June 2022

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Next Session Starts in

Register for Chain Fist Workshop (Lian Huan Quan)

Master Your Shaolin Foundations Workshops Series- Spring 2022

In April, May and June 2022, we will be holding a series of online workshops dedicated to Kung Fu Foundation Training

In each workshop Shifu Yan Xin will focus on one particular area to help you correct, improve and consolidate your kung fu foundation and skills.

The next  workshops will take place on the following Saturdays:

09 April | Shaolin Foundation Kicks

14 May | Shaolin Foundation Stances

11 June | Chain Fist Form (Lian Huan Quan)


“Foundation training is the basis for everything. No matter where you are on your Kung Fu journey, you will begin to notice, that what it comes down to, time after time are the foundations such as the stances and kicks that makes your kung fu Solid, Strong & Outstanding." 

These workshops offer you the opportunity to bring your attention to detail and to work on adjusting and making changes that will help you improve your movements and your Kung Fu practice in general.

During this extra training time, dedicated to specific aspects of your Kung Fu Foundations, you get the chance to receive more detailed feedback and corrections from Shifu Yan Xin, picking up and correcting what might have not been noticed during your own training.

Working on foundations never looses its relevance as all other aspects of training are based on these foundations. 

The stronger your foundations are the easier it will be to improve in other areas of your Kung Fu practice.

So, we encourage you to make some time and invite you to come and join us for this workshop series, that offers the opportunity make the ‘boring stuff’ more exciting by learning, practicing and training together.

For those of you who are planning to take part in the Level 1 Exams in June, these workshops can help you as part of your preparation training.

The Kicks and Stance workshop is open to all levels. 

For the Chain Fist (Lian Huan Quan) workshop we recommend that you have some basic understanding and training of this form before attending the workshop, as we will be working ON the form rather than teach the form during this workshop. 

If you are new here you can start learning the form with the online course in preparation for the workshop.

The workshops can be booked as a package or individually, depending on your availability and interest.

Saturday, 11 June 2022

15:00 - 17:00 BST (Dublin Time)

Shaolin Continuous Fist Form ( Lian Huan Quan)

- Level 1 Shaolin Warrior  Curriculum Form - 

Saturday 11 June 2022 (15:00 - 17:00 BST) - Dublin | London Time

During this 2-hour workshop Shifu Yan Xin will guide us with details and corrections through the whole form of Chain Fist Form | Lian Huan Quan broken down into sections and its elements to improve the individual movements.

We will also look in detail at, what common mistakes are and how to correct them.

But first and foremost, this workshop gives you the opportunity to let Shifu see your movements and give you feedback and corrections for your practice.

For this workshop we recommend that have some basic understanding and training of this form, as we will be working ON the form rather than teach the form during this workshop. 

If you are new here and don’t know the form but are keen to participate you can start learning the form with the online course in preparation for the workshop.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 11 June 2022 at 3pm BST (Dublin Time).

Saturday, 14 May 2022

Shaolin Foundation Stances:

Saturday 14 May 2022 (15:00 - 17:00 BST) - Dublin | London Time

During this 2 hour workshop we will dive deep into the Six foundation kicks Shaolin Kung Fu:

1. Ma Bu | House Stance

2.  Gong BuBow Stance  

3. Pu Bu | Crouch Stance

4.  Xie Bu | Cross Stance

5. Xu Bu | Cat Stance

Shifu Yan Xin will guide us and share with us the many details, which are the key in making the difference in your Kung Fu stances training and it is these details that can take your overall Kung Fu practice to the next level.

  • What details makes your stances more solid and better?
  • What needs adjusting, loosening or strengthening to take your kung training to the next level?

The focus during this session will be to increase strength, stability and control within each stance and to consolidate each of these fundamental movements.

You can visit or re-visit the Foundation Stance Course in preparation for this workshop (as well as carve out some time to attend the Whole Body StretchLive Class on a Tuesday to help you work on your hip mobility and flexibility.)

(Note: If you are a Warrior Member of our you will have access to both the Foundation Stance Course  and All the Live Classes)

This workshop is open to all levels.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 14 May 2022 at 3pm BST (Dublin Time).

Shaolin Foundation Kicks Workshop:

Saturday 09 April 2022 (15:00 - 17:00 BST) - Dublin | London Time

During this 2 hour workshop we will dive deep into the Six Shaolin Kung Fu Foundation Kicks:

1. Zheng Ti Tui | Front Upward Kick 

2. Xie Ti Tui | Diagonal Upward Kick

3. Ce Ti Tui | Side Upward Kick

4. Li He Tui | Inside Crescent Kick

5. Wai Bai Tui | Outside Crescent Kick

6. Cai Jiao | Hand Smash Flick Kick

Shifu Yan Xin will guide you with details on the correct execution of each kick, correcting your movements as we move along throughout the workshop.

We will be working on increasing stability, flexibility and control for each kick.

You can visit or re-visit the Foundation Kicks Course in preparation for this workshop as well as carve out some time to attend the Whole Body Stretch Live Class on a Tuesday to help you work on your flexibility. 

(Note: If you are a Warrior Member of our you will have access to both the  Foundation Kicks Course and All the Live Classes)

This workshop is open to all levels.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 09 April 2022 at 3pm BST (Dublin Time)

How to Participate

These Workshop is Live Streamed via Zoom with Shifu Yan Xin (34th Generation Shaolin Disciple), 

These workshops takes place Live via Zoom with Shifu Yan Xin and other students from across the world.

How to participate in the Live Workshops:

There are 3 ways to join the workshops:

1. Join the Live session Via Zoom as a Face-to-Face Participant (Limited Space available) 

2. Join the Live session Via Zoom as an Attendee Only Participant.

3. Follow the video recording of the Live sessions in your own time. 

What if I can't make it at the time of Live Stream? 

If you are unable to to make it to the live training at the time it takes place, not to worry, the recording the the training will be available for you to train in your own time from your Student Dashboard.  

This training course will be available in your student dashboard for you to catch upon for 12 months after the retreat ends. 

What you need to Join this program: 

1. Have access to a device such as a laptop, computer or tablet, smart phone could work but the screen might be too small for a good training experience. 

2. Have access to a small space in your home, kitchen, living room, bedroom, garden.

3. Have good internet connection, it is recommended the download and upload speed to be minimum 1.5Mps for a good training experience. You can test your internet speed here.  

We look forward to meeting some of you in person (via Zoom) and training with you!

If you have missed the Live Workshops

If you have missed the some of the workshop and would like to follow the replay  in your own time,  you can purchase the workshop bundle x3 below. 

This will  give you access to all the replays of the workshops for 12 months as well as access to the live attendee only option for the Chain Fist Form (Lian Huan Quan) workshop in 11 June 2022. 

Workshop Package x3 - Replay

Save €5 off each Workshop, in total €15 savings.

  • Master Your Shaolin Foundation Workshops (x3 Bundle)


    Register Now

KungFu.Life Member Pricing

Special Price for Warrior & Wellness Members

All KungFu.Life Member's get 30% off on our workshops!

If you are subscribed to our Yearly, Quarterly or Monthly subscription plans, whether as a warrior member, wellness member or if you are a Lifetime Member, then you are a KungFu.Life member!

You will be able to find your Special Member pricing Code to join this Live Workshop  in your Student Dashboard:

If you are not yet a KungFu.Life member and wish to join us to benefit from the discounted pricing and much more (e.g. Daily Live Classes face-to-face trainings with Shifu Yan Xin).

See below to find out more about joining as a Warrior or Wellness Member.

Becoming a KungFu.Life Member

Get access to all current and future courses, discounts + more


  • What is the difference between enrolling as a Face-to-Face and an Attendee Only student?

    Both training options, the Face-to-Face Interactive training and Attendee-Only option, take place at the same time. The Face-to-Face training is very similar to training in a physical class together with other students, where you can be seen by Shifu Yan Xin and he will be able to help you with your training and can correct your movements. In order to keep up with the quality of teaching, number of spaces for this option is limited. With the participation only (Non Face-to-Face Option), you will be able to see Shifu Yan Xin live but no one else will be able to see you, so you can still enjoy the live training atmosphere but would not be able to have your movements corrected.

  • How do I know if I am a KungFu.Life member to benefit from the Warrior member price?

    If you are subscribed to one of our Yearly, Quarterly or Monthly subscription plans (either as a Warrior or Wellness Member) or if you are a Lifetime Member of ours then you are a KungFu.Life member and you will be able to find your discount code to join the Live Yi Jin Jing program in your KungFu.Life Members page and/or in you email inbox.

  • What if I can't make it to some or all of the Live Sessions

    If you can't make it to some or all of the live training, the replays of the sessions will be available for you to catch up on. We strongly recommend you join the training live for a better training experience, but if life really gets in the way, then following the recordings is the second best option. If this is the case, then just opt for the non Face-to-Face pricing option at the check out.

Register for Workshop Individually

If you can't make it to all  workshops you can choose to register for the workshops individually below.