Course curriculum

  • 01
    Show details
    • Plant the seed to for a Healthy, Happy and Abundant Life: Cultivate your Heart Farm
    • Heart Farm | Xīn Tián | 心田 - About the Program & How to participate
  • 02
    Your 15 Days to Abundance
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    • Day 1 - Connect Mind, Heart & Lower Abdomen | Find you Heart Farm & Plant your first seed
    • Day 2 - Imagination Practice | Visualize your Heart Farm & Care for your seedling
    • Day 3 - Care for your Heart Farm | Plant the seed of Patience
    • Day 4 - Look after your Heart Farm & your Patience seedling
    • Day 5 - Observe the growth | Cultivate Patience
    • Day 6 - Nourish your Heart Farm | Plant the seed of Gratitude
    • Day 7 - Warm up your Organs | Visit Patience & Gratitude
    • Day 8 - Enjoy your Garden | Find Relation
    • Day 9 - Feel & Appreciate | Plant the seed of Hope
    • Day 10 - Bring you thoughts to your Heart | Visit Patience
    • Day 11 - Connect & Let it grow | Plant the seed of Kindness
    • Day 12 - Strengthen to direct the mind
    • Day 13 - Expand the energy in your being
    • Day 14 - Create Joy for yourself | Plant the seed of Courage
    • Day 15 - Grow & Become | Bring the Heart Farm into your Life